Crypto Sims- 3D customizable NFTs on the blockchain.

Crypto Sims
3 min readMar 17, 2021

What are Crypto Sims

Crypto Sims are customizable and payable NFTs (non fungible tokens) on the blockchain. They are backed by 3D files that belong only to you. Similar to hand drawn portraits, the Crypto Sim 3D files are hand programmed and designed by the developers using tools such as Unity, Blender, java, c# and more. This allows Crypto Sims to be ported to any 3D game, website, hardware or robot.

Crypto sims are not just NFT images or videos, these NFTs can receive donations, send and receive messages, Change appearance and can also collect other NFTs and display them on its platform.

To Create your crypto sim you need to switch to Binance smart chain.

cryptosims link here

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What Crypto Sims can do?

Crypto sims are like profiles, they can receive donations through the like button. Anybody with a sim or a crypto address can give your sim a like (small donation).

All crypto sims have a name , owner and secret on public display.

You can add secrets to your sim, secrets are public messages recorded on the blockchain

Secrets can be changed by anybody with a sim or crypto address but for a small donation. these donations go directly to you.

All crypto sims are sitting on platforms , these platforms are 4x4 grids that can house other NFT or 3D objects for displaying and customization.

sim #0 displaying his UFO on its platform
opening up the secret button.
Creating a sim

Future of Crypto Sims

There can only exist 100k crypto sims.

Similar to nodes on a blockchain as more people join crypto sims price will increase.

Crypto sims are 3D files that can be imported into 3D games like Decentraland.., animations, IOT devices, and more as crypto and the blockchain grows into our daily lives.

Thanks for your support

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Crypto Sims

Crypto sims are 3D NFTs that are backed by the 3d files themselves. Owned only by you.